Aktivitas/Diskusi Dalam Kelas Kursus Bahasa Inggris Untuk Mempelajari Materi 'Educational Life' - Inggris Area

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Aktivitas/Diskusi Dalam Kelas Kursus Bahasa Inggris Untuk Mempelajari Materi 'Educational Life'

Aktivitas/Diskusi Dalam Kelas Kursus Bahasa Inggris Untuk Mempelajari Materi 'Educational Life'

Educational Life (Pembelajaran tentang kehidupan)

Pair work
•What do / did you study?
•What subjects do / did you enjoy the most?
•How important do you think education is?
•What is a good education?
•When does education begin in our life?
•Do you think the quality of education is good?
•What do you think if our education must be online"?

Coba ceritakan kisah ini ke students. Tanyakan kepada mereka apa pesan moral yang terkadnung?

An American was traveling in Afghanistan when his Cadillac stalled. He tried to repare it but it didn't work. Finally, an old mechanic came from the hills riding a donkey. He opened the bonnet and hit the cylinder head six times and her car started. The American asked 'how much'. The mechanic said $100. The American gasped and asked him to itemize the bill. The mechanic said, 1 cents for hitting six times and $99.90 for knowing where to hit. MORAL: Respect skilled people.

• How would you describe your academic achievement?
• What school year was most difficult? Why?
• What big changes would you make in your school?
• Tell me about your most rewarding college experience.
• What extracurricular activities did you enjoy most?



This is just an example, you can fill it later with your own note.